Saturday, 3 September 2011

Well it has been a lovely week lots of things going on - today we have a full workshop with Anne in the shop - they are all working very hard - So hopefully lots of nice things to look at, at the end of the day

I decided to try my sketchbook again, as I was sort of half hearted before and I did not like my first attempt - so here is
a second attempt - I actually like this flower

I shall wait until Angela returns from Wales then she can direct me further on my rather poor attempts but at least it is taking me out of my comfort zone and made me think

about trying!!!

Well I had to show you these Rob loves woodwork and now we are settled in our new home we have been able to have a bespoke workshop put up and he has bought all his tools, the names of which elude me - but saws, mitre cutters, planer/thicknessers,routers, biscuit cutters and so on - but here is the magazine rack he is working on isn't it great. Coffee table for the lounge next. Oh he has made me a lightbox I am so pleased with that.

I had to put these on - we went to Wimpole Hall on Bank Holiday Monday with friends and their puppy - and I thought these poppies were absolutely gorgeous.


  1. Wow! The workspace at the shop looks fantastic! And so much temptation close at hand! Beautiful magazine rack and great to have a light box. Well done with the sketchbook work. xx

  2. It's good to see everyone working so hard, I hope you took some pictures.
    Your sketchbook work looks great.

  3. Well done you for working in your sketchbook. I'm impressed.
