Tuesday, 22 June 2010

What a beautiful sunny day it was yesterday and I walked into town to meet Caroline (my daughter) as we were going swimming together.

So I walked from town via the Cathedral through the cloister gardens and I realised how much I take this beautiful piece of history for granted.

It is there and we see it daily but on such a beautiful day as yesterday with the time to actually look around and enjoy the peace and quiet if was really quite lovely.

Unfortunately, when we got to the swimming pool it was closed until further notice, so we were forced to go home and have a nice lunch in the garden and chill and relax which was lovely.


  1. Hi Pam ,what a good thing you took your camera yesterday ,a great photograph opportunity ,yes P'boro Cathedral is very impresive but how often do we open up our eyes and minds to the beauty around us ,these pics are lovely and Im familiar with all the areas pictured ...love Jan xx

  2. It was a beautiful day yesterday - and you are right about us not seeing the beauty around us until we take a moment to stop and enjoy it! x

  3. Lovely photo's, they make me quite homesick x x

  4. Your quite right we do take things for granted. Shame the swimming pool was closed the exercise might have helped to balance out the cake you had yesterday :-)

  5. Hope you get lots of cake on Saturday VBG Happy Special Birthday! Have a lovely day and I hope you get spoilt xxxxx
