Sunday, 27 June 2010

Well I was well and truly spoilt yesterday for my big 60 birthday.
Flowers and cards arrived all day - we went out for lunch and then went to the Greyhound Stadium or 'to the dogs' for the evening which was really good fun with family and friends.
I lost - all my dogs seemed to give up the ghost at the first corner. Mark & Paul did well, Liz had to come and get a sub off Rob as she ran out of money!!

I had two beautiful home made cards, one from Karen and Vanessa and it was really nice all sewing orientated. Neil's mum had made the other card and it is so precise and beautiful - thank you to both of them.

Maggie is in Germany and sent me this arrangement of flowers

Mark bought me these on his way home from work - which was so good he did as Rob and I had fallen asleep in our armchairs - must be my age!!
Not sure what his excuse is.

Still my birthday will continue as Rob & I are going on a day trip on the Orient Express in July which will be magical and next weekend when Caroline is back from Glastonbury, Maggie back from Germany and Rob's Mum back from france we are having a family barbecue.

Oh I am in big big trouble with Angela as I have missed a giveaway point on the blog - well I didnt realise how many I have done and she says I have to do something for my birthday, so thinking cap is going on and I shall do something next week hopefully!!!!!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

I started this table runner when we were doing a cake swap workshop at Art & Stitch and have decided the time has come to finish some ufo's about time I hear myself cry.
I was really pleased the way this turned out - I took a picture on the table then elegantly drapped it on the clothes airer - not such a good idea.
Anyway my friend from Line Dancing is running the Chesterton Village Fete this coming weekend at Hill farm Chesterton - so I popped it over to her for a raffle prize .
So hope it goes to a good home.
When I popped over she was busy trying to do the jigsaws she had been given for the fete to make sure they had all the
pieces I knew she was mad but that is dedication over and above. Over a nice hot cuppa it was decided she would just count the pieces!!!!!
Last week we had a 'Bag Day' at Art & Stitch and silly I did not take photos of the bags the ladies made they did some really nice versions and here are mine below - I love bags

Right well today is Social Stitching so I need to get organised what ufo am I going to attack today there are plenty - two cushions, one wall hanging oh and that is just for starters.
Not going to do much stitching this coming weekend as I am having a very young birthday suffice to say I have to go and collect my bus pass soon and Angela has already sorted out the home for me to go in!!!!! Will post some photos at a later stage.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

What a beautiful sunny day it was yesterday and I walked into town to meet Caroline (my daughter) as we were going swimming together.

So I walked from town via the Cathedral through the cloister gardens and I realised how much I take this beautiful piece of history for granted.

It is there and we see it daily but on such a beautiful day as yesterday with the time to actually look around and enjoy the peace and quiet if was really quite lovely.

Unfortunately, when we got to the swimming pool it was closed until further notice, so we were forced to go home and have a nice lunch in the garden and chill and relax which was lovely.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Aston Quilters who meet at Art & Stitch once a month have been doing a mystery quilt over the past few months and here are their efforts. They are all absolutely brilliant and the different colours make them all so different.
Barbara wanted a double quilt so made it twice as big and put flying geese on as a border!

Brenda's - this is her first quilt top and she is soo chuffed only the borders to go no.

Judith's top aren't the borders lovely - and how different the colours make them look

Fiona's top

Jill has wadded and backed hers and this is back and front how brilliant

Vanessa's again made as a double with flying geese for borders

This was the one I put together

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Well where does the time go - I haven't seemed to have time to put anything on the blog for ages. I read everyone else's and they are all so interesting and creative.

Anyway I thought I would share my clematis, isn't it lovely - my sister gave it to Rob & I as a housewarming pressie and as we are not particularly green fingered I am really really pleased it has survived and is going into its third season. Actually last year it was really spindly and me being me I hacked it off at soil level and my style of gardening seems to have worked!!

Well the top of this quilt was made ages ago for a workshop, but it has finally been finished, Barbara did the quilting, and it is being donated to one of the local schools St Botolphs for their school fete raffle prize.

These two pictures show a rail fence baby quilt in progress - it doesn't do it justice really it is very pretty. My friend is due to become a Grandmother so this is for her daughter - oh I remember Jenny as a butterfly in the ballet show when her and my daughter were much much smaller!! where do the years go.

And Sue, one of our customers thought it was good fun to take a photo of me whilst trying to baste it on top of the tables. Obviously I need to improve my table dancing skills or I shall not earn any money!!!!!