Wednesday, 27 January 2010

What a great Workshop we had on Saturday at Art & Stitch - Gina Ferrarri came and taught us all how to make Bonded Books - everyone had a fabulous time and we all went home with either finished or nearly finished books.

We learnt several different techniques with lots of nice tips to make it all seem easier - Gina has the patience of a saint

The photos sort of show the start, painting the paper

Gina had bought lots of ivy leaves with her and we painted these

Then we made the cords - then look below at the finished articles aren't they all splended and so different in colour and style


  1. Lovely books, which one is yours?

  2. I had such a lovely day it seems like a bonus to know you had fun too. And what super books you all made.

  3. Oops! Somehow I missed this post. Sounds a fun workshop. I'm looking forward to my turn next week. :o)
