Thursday, 28 January 2010

Hello everyone I thought I would keep you up to date with how things are going - I am exceedingly frustrated as those humans are not letting me get to those nice looking friends in this big tank.

So I thought I would take things into my own paws and have a good look it is still abit tricky
and I haven't succeeded yet - but I am sure if I persevere I might!!!

Oh well if I cannot get into the tank then I shall sit here and look very pretty - bye bye see you all soon I expect.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

What a great Workshop we had on Saturday at Art & Stitch - Gina Ferrarri came and taught us all how to make Bonded Books - everyone had a fabulous time and we all went home with either finished or nearly finished books.

We learnt several different techniques with lots of nice tips to make it all seem easier - Gina has the patience of a saint

The photos sort of show the start, painting the paper

Gina had bought lots of ivy leaves with her and we painted these

Then we made the cords - then look below at the finished articles aren't they all splended and so different in colour and style

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Hello I am back again on my blog - look at me don't I look gorgeous - the humans are coming along quite nicely which I am pleased about. There is a lovely comfortable bean bed in the back bedroom and I just know it was made for me to lie on!!!

The only disappointing thing so far is that there are some funny things moving around in a big tank in the front room and every attempt I have made to investigate gets stopped, I only want to sit on top and play can't they understand that!

Well I suppose I had better let Mum put her five eights in - she is so chuffed with this thing that she made and has stuck things in I guess it is of interest, but it doesn't smell, I cannot eat it so I'll just let her have a moment of glory poor humans you do have to pamper to their whims!!!

Friday, 15 January 2010

Hello I am Poppy - these photos do not do me justice as they were taken on Mum's phone and she needs to get some better pictures. I am one year old and needed a new home, so some old softies called Pam & Rob came and collected me last night. I wasn't too impressed with the car journey and the shower that I had to have when they got me to their house as I had made abit of a mess!!!!!

Still they went to Pets @ Home and got lots of lovely food and things for me and I think they will be okay as the settee is comfee the food is good and i shall soon get them trained .

Oh the room at the back looks interesting their is lots of bits & pieces I can play with cotton reels and things, and the knitting wool last night looked interesting too!!!!

See you all soon - love Poppy xx

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Well belated Happy new Year - I have been going to update my blog ever since the Christmas Break but where does the time go to.

Nothing very exciting to report I am making a runner for the bottom of Rob's Sisters bed in William Morris materials it looks dark in this photo but that is because the weather is so grey at the moment. Roll on Sprin!!!

I have started making hexagon pin cushions, and so far this is all I have done oh well - Rob went into a panic when he saw the pack of sawdust thought I had decided to get us a hampster or something.

Well I have plenty to keep me busy as always. My eldest son was 29 last week and that was nice we all had a family meal and then my baby boy is coming for tea tonight I think they are broke after Christmas!!!!

Roll on Spring and some nice green shoots to the trees.