I have spent the last couple of months trying to finish some of my unloved UFO's - I have started with such enthusiasm and then time has run out on me - Or I have gone on to other projects and just left them lanquishing in boxes in the sewing room. So I made a resolution to get some finished. The wallhanging above is Wacky Stars, I made it under Anne Stacey's supervision and it is all leftover batiks from a bag I was making at the same time. It is such a lovely technique I had great fun and am so pleased to have now wadded it quilted it - I made a star template and dotted stars all over it. We have now persuaded Anne to teach this at Art and Stitch as everyone has been admiring my finished item

Again this quilt started with such a spree of enthusiasm and I took it to me to Debden and got the top made then I backed and wadded it and inspiration failed me for quilting - anyway I have again taken myself to task and it is quilted and bound and it looks superb - just needs a nice bed to go on! The colours of the batiks are lovely and I like the way it weaves.
We had a workshop where I was teaching this table runner - so I made one in certain stages to show the ladies - so now it is finished wadded and quilted and I have to say the colours are great - again it requires a nice table or sideboard to reside on (oh do they have sideboard's nowadays) - we always had sideboards and Mum kept her best treasurers in it and on it.
This cushion top was made to demonstrate courthouse steps and again the fabrics were all left over from a bag I had made, it is so bright and lovely and cuddly.
We had some new ladies just starting on their quilting adventure and I showed them how to make crazy quilt cushions, this one again was left over fabrics from other projects and bits of lace in the stash. They enjoyed their day and I did not put them off quilting - phew.
Rob has been very busy in his workshop - we had a very old laundry basket which ever since we moved in together we had planned to change - but we could not find one that we liked - now that sounds very fussy of us, but we had a constraint on height and width where it is placed. Anyway one day he disappeared into the workshop and came out with some plans neatly drawn the exact size and height we required and here it is - absolutely beautiful. We had one hiccup the planner/thicknesser broke mid project - but now back duly serviced and working well and the new laundry basket was finished. Of course the calico lining I have made enhances it beautifully!!!
Well I am a totally besotted Nanny - here is little Leo visiting Art and Stitch this week, he is so gorgeous he just loved the colours and the thread reels - he will be a little tike once he gets into gear and is walking or running everywhere!!
Well so far this year I have been mostly getting up to date on unfinished items, but we had Christmas Club looming up for this week and I had to get my head together and come up with a good idea for them to make - so I made the wall hanging above and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed making the scrappy Christmas trees. Fortunately all our ladies agreed and the picture below are two of their efforts. All of the ladies made great hangings - though one turned it into a table runner which was a good idea.
So now I am set on carrying on with the pieces that need to be finished, though I have a sort of yearning to do something new - but I shall try and fit any new creativity in with completing all the other items that are reclining in crevices in my sewing room and at Art and Stitch waiting to be fully completed.