Oh what an absolute fabulous day we had yesterday, Rob his Mum, Sister & I all went to Kew Gardens to the orchid festival and it was so wonderful - I took 146 photos but have just put a few on to whet your appetite. I know the first photo is not an orchid but was soo gorgeous.
We knew all about it as my Sister, Maggie, is a volunteer at Kew in the Orchid house - although she had chosen this week to be cross country ski-ing in Austria - how rude was that!!
But it was all the colours of the rainbow and oh it was magnificant - the photos do not do it justice

at all
The festival is on for the whole month and is soo well worth a trip - Kew is a magic place anyway but with the extra benefit of the festival on a cold February Day it was even better.
I have taken so many pictures the plan is to use some of them in my City & Guilds work as they are so colourful and perfect.
As Sandra said (Rob's sister) nature made us so plain compared to the other creatures on earth
wouldn't it be wonderful if we had bright colourful

plummage with spots etc.