I am busy making clam shells, they are so simple to make, time consuming but still fun. some of these are Easter gifts and I have got some creme eggs to go in them. they have lots of different uses.

yesterday was Christmas club and Angela showed us how to make these lovely pencil cases. I got three out of two fat quarters. I love this fabric so am keeping them all!

This quilt has been ongoing for about two years. I started, went wrong and put it away then decided it had to be finished so I did all the piecing and never got round to quilting. so this week I made a real effort and got it basted together and quilted. Even if I say so myself it is lovely. so glad I finished it.
I am updating from my tablet and am not very good with it! So I haven't put the last caption under the wrong photo!
Anyway hope you can understand it!
The last picture is nanny and Leo having great fun playing with his little toy car. Such simple fun.